Wheelchair Accessible E-Rickshaw

This innovative vehicle is more than a mode of transport, it’s a symbol of freedom, inclusivity and progress.

Our Service features:
The E-rick is a game changing solution, with its easy-to-access ramp and comfortable seating for caregivers, it shatters barriers. It empowers individuals to reclaim their independence, venture out confidently, and experience life on their own terms.
E-rickshaws foster social inclusion by enabling people with disabilities to actively participate in their communities.
Designed for versatility, the e-rickshaw can accommodate two passengers alongside a wheelchair user or four passengers without. This adaptability ensures maximum utility and caters to diverse needs.
The E-rickshaw is a powerful testament to India's commitment to creating a more inclusive and equitable society. It's a beacon of hope for people with disabilities, offering them the freedom to explore, connect, and thrive.